Tag Archives: human super organism

We Are One

Last night, it struck me forcefully that humanity is really one organism. Not as a metaphor or an ideology to pursue – not in the abstract sense in which I’ve always understood such language – but at an actual physical level. To explain what I mean, I’ll back up and adumbrate the train of thought that led me to the realization.

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve developed the artistic habit of using meditation and self-hypnosis techniques to get myself into a highly receptive state and then writing as passively as I can, trying to let my subconscious control the whole process. That’s how I wrote my novel this past year, and sometimes I use the same method for handwriting in my journal. Well, as I was doing this last night, it struck me how strange it felt to “shut down” the conscious governing part of my brain and let my writing hand just do its own thing, as if someone else were moving it. I wondered if the practice could be some form of “automatic writing”  (whether due to the subconscious, the ideomotor effect, or some other moving force).


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